Court News - 2020
The Office of the State Courts Administrator (OSCA) provides information and brief write-ups about newsworthy events happening in and around the Florida court system.
Education for Judges, Quasi-Judicial Officers, & Court Personnel
The judicial branch strives to ensure that judicial officers and court staff have the knowledge, skills, and abilities to serve and perform at the highest levels of expertise.
Emergency Preparedness
Emergency preparedness comprises preparation for unavoidable natural disasters as well as for human-made calamities and threats.
Court Technology
Breakthroughs in the uses of technology are enhancing the efficiency, effectiveness, timeliness, and security of court processes.
Understanding Florida’s Courts: Administration (2019 – 20 Annual Report)
Professional court administrators assist the chief justice and chief judges; read about the responsibilities of the state courts administrator, trial court administrators, and district court marshals.
Understanding Florida's Courts: Jurisdictions
Florida’s five appellate districts, 20 circuits, and 67 counties are delineated in this map of court jurisdictions.
Mediation Week Marked Virtually at the Florida Supreme Court
Conflict Resolution Day—the third Thursday of October—was established to boost awareness of mediation, arbitration, conciliation, and other methods for resolving disputes creatively and civilly. Since 2005...
Understanding Florida's Courts: Structure
Florida’s courts system consists of the following entities: two appellate-level courts (the supreme court and five district courts of appeal) and two trial-level courts (20 circuit courts and 67 county courts).
Chief Justice Canady proclaims Mediation Week
Chief Justice Charles Canady proclaims October 11-17 as Mediation Week in Florida’s courts, marking the importance of alternative dispute resolution as an effective substitute to litigation.
The Show Must Go On: Dispute Resolution Center’s 2020...
For nearly three decades, Florida’s Dispute Resolution Center has organized and hosted an annual conference, offering mediators and other alternative dispute resolution (ADR) professionals...
Full Court Press 2020 Summer Issue
The Full Court Press is the official newsletter of the Florida State Courts. A production of the Innovations & Outreach Unit in the Office of the State Courts Administrator, this newsletter aims to present...
Florida State Courts redesigns website
Florida’s State Courts System has a new, user-focused website with a sleek look and improved accessibility. A wealth of information is available with a clean design focused on delivering answers and built around...
Second Judicial Circuit begins grand jury with health protocols
While criminal jury trials have resumed in several jurisdictions around Florida, Monday saw progress in another area of the justice system with the seating of a grand jury in the Second Judicial Circuit.
Bradford County joins resumption of criminal jury trials
Bradford County in North Florida’s Eighth Judicial Circuit began jury selection on August 31 for a felony jury trial scheduled for Monday and Tuesday. Eighth Circuit Chief Judge James P. Nilon spoke to socially distanced jurors Monday morning at the Bradford County Courthouse in Starke.
Florida's Chief Justice marks 'milestone' felony jury trial in Flagler County
Jury selection began this morning in Bunnell for a felony jury trial in Flagler County. In-person jury trials were suspended more than five months ago in response to the public health emergency.
Chief Justice proclaims August focus on opioid use response
Opioid use disorder in the United States is so prevalent, the National Safety Council reports more people die from an accidental opioid overdose than from traffic fatalities. The National Institute on Drug Abuse earlier this year published data reflecting a surge in Florida overdose deaths involving opioids.
Video highlights steps to protect health in Florida's courts, clerks' offices
New expectations at courthouses around the state are highlighted in a video released today to prepare and assure people about changes to protect their health. A return to Florida’s courthouses during the ongoing public health emergency includes new steps such as touchless temperature checks, health screenings, physical distancing, and required masks.
Avoid a courthouse visit: Miami-Dade launches online resolution for civil traffic tickets
The Eleventh Judicial Circuit launches Online Case Resolution April 30 with a pilot project to allow drivers who received civil traffic citations for proof of insurance, driver license, or auto registration to resolve their cases without coming to court.
Work continues in Florida's courts, including details from Palm Beach County
Work of the judicial branch continues around Florida as the public health emergency continues. How it’s happening on the ground can be seen throughout the state, and in the experience of one South Florida county.
Workgroup created to recommend ways to steer state courts through pandemic response
Florida’s courts are taking steps now to prepare for the staged resumption of court operations that have been curtailed due to the public health emergency. An order from Chief Justice Charles T. Canady anticipates a phased approach to the eventual resumption of full operations.
Order allows oaths administered remotely
To aid efforts to conduct court proceedings remotely, and thus mitigate the spread of the coronavirus, Chief Justice Charles T. Canady, ordered notaries and other persons qualified to administer an oath be allowed to do so remotely by audio or video communication.
Non-essential court proceedings canceled, postponed
Only essential proceedings will be held in Florida’s state courts through March 27 under an administrative order issued by Chief Justice Charles T. Canady.
Courts encourage alternate, remote work arrangements
Leadership of Florida’s state courts continues to take actions to protect public health and safety while maintaining essential access to justice.
Courts impose self-quarantine for some travelers
In further efforts to protect the health and safety of judges, courts personnel, and the public, Chief Justice Charles T. Canady has ordered self-quarantine for judges, officers and employees who will personally travel internationally, on a cruise, or to locations in the United States where COVID-19 is being transmitted by community spread.
Courts, clerks implement jury suspension order
Chief Justice Charles T. Canady today suspended jury trials throughout the State Courts System in the interest of public health. Clerks of court and trial court administrators throughout the state will act to implement the administrative order and notify all who have been called for jury service.
Chief Justice issues COVID-19 administrative order
Chief Justice Charles T. Canady is actively monitoring developments related to COVID-19. He has urged preparation and readiness. In service to that he has issued an administrative order.
Florida courts 'watch and prepare' for COVID-19
Florida’s courts are preparing for the new coronavirus, COVID-19, with proven procedures and basic preventive advice.
Teagle moves to head Judicial Qualifications Commission
Blan Teagle is moving to serve Florida’s judicial branch in a different role as the new executive director of the Judicial Qualifications Commission later this month.
Chief Justice Canady highlights 'very good start' to budget, thanks lawmakers
Florida Chief Justice Charles T. Canady Friday updated members of The Florida Bar Board of Governors about issues before the judicial branch and expressed gratitude for the “very good start” for state courts in the budget process under way in the legislature
Judge Orlando A. Prescott honored with Award for Teaching Excellence
Circuit Judge Orlando A. Prescott was honored earlier this month with the Florida Judicial College Award for Teaching Excellence.